
this renovation happens in bursts. Sometimes, there’s no tradesmen available for 10 days, then all of a sudden there’s 3 ! We have started on the new bathroom, which will be in the centre of the house. Having 5 bedrooms, I thought I could sacrifice one of them. The old bathroom will become the ensuite to the master bedroom.

Jobs include cutting out the wooden boards from walls and floors, and chipping into the sub- frame, fitting layers of waterproofing for the walk in shower and boarding up again.

The plumber will come and do his thing, and the electrician has already moved power points and installed exhaust fan and other electricals.

Thanks to Maureen, I have been able to buy a great vanity that can be installed very easily and will look excellent !

Outside, we have a paint job on the the go, fixing up holes and sanding to prep.

It’s so good to get happening !


Focusing is what counts when life gets big, and there are too many distractions.

Today I got distracted by my own need to keep myself healthy- I went to my Chinese Doctor’s in Melbourne to get acupuncture and herbs for the next  month. I have been doing this for over 15 years. Not that I am always on herbs, but probably 4-6 months out of the year, I make the effort. This keeps my quality of life at a high level, as the herbs build up my mental and physical health.

Tomorrow, my focus is back to doing the things I write on my list the night before. Once I have finished ticking off all the items, I feel really good and am inspired to do more. It’s a great little practice!

Here are a few things on my list:

research bathroom appliances for bathroom one and two

call Mini Digger to start on extending the carport area

talk to plumber


One thing I know is that I will sleep very well tonight ! Acupuncture does that to you…